Developer self-service
Developers can pick and choose infrastructure modules based on their architecture without being cloud experts. There's no waiting for DevOps to build custom infrastructure.
Auto build/deploy
Auto-build and auto-deploy come out of the box for container apps, serverless apps, and static sites. Plug in your own CI/CD pipeline to customize each part of your deployment process.
Better UI/UX
With a better UX, developers can quickly deploy and observe cloud infrastructure to the fullest. A simple and consistent experience across all providers and platforms gives much-needed visibility to developers and platform engineers.
Preview Environments
Automate ephemeral, production-like environments through pull requests. Review and demo features before you ship to production.
Learn more
"AWS still remains a black box to most experienced developers, setting up infrastructure can take a lot of time. Nullstone removes the complexity so that we can set up our infrastructure with ease and can start up a new environment in matter of minutes."